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Time to rebrand?

Written by Josh Murphy

Whilst COVID-19 continues to disrupt our work and social life, I have found it fascinating to analyse customer habits, purchase patterns and how they are changing rapidly without any sign of slowing down. Industries with so called steady month on month sales, simply don’t now exist or are certainly being tested and it is those industries, businesses, big or small, that may be considering a rebrand in order to reposition themselves to survive or potentially to maximise an opportunity. So step back and review your position, are you in need of a rebrand, and if so, is now could be a good time for you to start implementing it?

Whilst re-branding can sometimes be risky, change unlocks new possibilities of repositioning your product, services or perception, so there are lots to gain, but be sure not to damage your existing business. Rebranding takes time and it’s not something that can be rushed, but you could

Reasons why a business may be thinking of rebranding at this time…

Sound familiar?

  • Reacting to demand / opportunity
  • Reconnect with your customers
  • Need to redefine your purpose
  • The name of your business is too limiting
  • Your 90s colour palette is dragging you down
  • Your branding no longer fits your company culture
  • You want to differentiate from the competition

Sound familiar?

A brand identity is rarely static and even the biggest and best companies across all sectors evolve their brand over time in order to stay competitive or keep ahead. To compete in the modern business climate and avoid losing market share, one thing for me is clear: Businesses need to adapt, or risk getting left behind or worse go out of business altogether.

Modernising your brand image or perception could be an important step to turning your business around and accelerating future growth. The longer you leave your outdated brand out there, the more you risk being left behind by your competitors.

Whatever reason you are considering a re-brand our team of talented marketing and design experts at Sanders and Jay can help your business forge a new identity and grow your future business.