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Improve Website Effectiveness​

Written by Josh Murphy

Wondering how to improve your website…​

What I am about to tell you will change your life… right got your attention.

Maybe not your life, but maybe your website effectiveness.

As the internet continues to grow, you are faced with a vast abundance of choice across any search, therefore if your site doesn’t meet the users immediate expectation, they will simply move on.

With our fast paced life we have become experts at filtering information and imagery and apparently it only takes 0.05 seconds to form an opinion of a website.

Does it live up to it brand promise?
Does it look complicated?
Do I know where to go?
What’s is the message?
What do you want from me?
Does your picture reflect my mission?
Will I find what I am looking for?

Or shall I move on…

Knowing how important this is, have a look at your website and be honest, does it capture the imagination? 

The good news is that with some simple changes and some specialist expertise you can create a site that delivers against your brand promise. 

  1. Mobile Optimisation

With more than 50% of all content consumed on a mobile devise, it is essential that your site is appealing on mobile and not just desktop

2. Creative Content

You have to catch the eye of your visitor immediately, but in order to do that, you need to make sure you know who your consumers and shoppers are so that you deliver the right images, colours and message. 

3. Conversion

Improving your call to actions will drive your visitors to take action, going from a visitor to a warm lead.