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Is it time for a brand audit?

Let’s face it – the world changes fast. One minute, everyone’s wearing skinny jeans, the next, they’re out, and apparently, we’re all supposed to love wide-leg trousers again. Just like fashion, brands need to keep up with the times, or risk being left behind in a dusty corner of the internet where nobody’s looking. So, when was the last time you gave your brand a little TLC

If you’re reading this and thinking, “Well, it’s been a while,” then maybe it’s time to start asking yourself whether your brand is still working for you or if it’s desperately waving a flag for help. Let’s break it down, shall we?

1. Does Your Brand Still Represent Who You Are?

Your brand is like your business’s personality. And just like people change, businesses evolve too. Maybe you started out as a small operation, but now you’ve expanded into new markets, offering different services. Or perhaps your mission has shifted as you’ve grown. Is your current branding still saying what you want it to say? If not, it might be time for a little refresh!

2. Are You Still Standing Out in the Crowd?

Take a look around at your competitors. Are their brands looking sleek and modern, while yours is still rocking the equivalent of a Myspace page? (We loved Myspace, but you know what we mean.) In today’s crowded marketplace, it’s more important than ever to stand out. A fresh, contemporary brand could be the difference between a customer picking you or scrolling past to the next option.

3. Is Your Branding Consistent Everywhere?

Here’s a quick exercise: check your website, your social media, your business cards (do people still use those?), and any other place your brand pops up. Are they all singing from the same songbook, or does it feel a bit like a jumbled playlist? Consistency builds trust, and trust builds business. If your brand looks different in every corner of the internet, it might be time to bring it all together in a cohesive way.

4. Are You Speaking the Right Language to Your Audience?

Brands are like conversations. The way you talk to your audience should reflect who they are and what they care about. If your customers have changed over time, but your messaging hasn’t, there might be a disconnect. Updating your brand to better reflect your current audience can help ensure you’re speaking their language, not something from five years ago.

5. Does Your Brand Feel Fresh and Modern?

This one’s simple – if your brand feels like it’s stuck in a time capsule from 2012, it’s probably time to move it into the 2020s. Design trends change, and while you don’t have to follow every fad, staying current helps show that your business is forward-thinking and relevant. Plus, who doesn’t love a shiny new look?

Ready for a Brand Check-Up?

It might be time to ask yourself: Is my brand working as hard as it could be? If the answer is “I’m not sure,” then a brand audit could be just what you need to unlock more potential. At Sanders and Jay, we help businesses conduct thorough brand audits that uncover opportunities to refine your brand and ultimately increase revenue.