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Getting recognised in your industry

By Marion Zielentino

Since launching our STONES Awards and seeing the amazing entries so far, it’s really got us thinking about what makes a company stand out in their industry. From logos that pop to videography that shows behind the scenes, it’s clear businesses that stand out think outside the box and add their unique flavour to everything they do.

Whether you’re a startup looking to make a splash or an established business wanting to reinforce your position, being recognised in your field is key to driving growth and securing long-term success.

So, how do you do it? Here are a few tried and tested ways to help you get noticed.

Strong Branding

Clear, recognisable branding across all platforms can make all the difference when it comes to making a lasting impression. But is your branding standing out? Does it represent you and what makes you unique, or is it just showing a ‘good enough’ version?

Your brand is more than just a logo. It’s the voice, identity, and personality of your business. Is your brand consistent across all touchpoints? Would a client recognise your tone of voice, style, and messaging in everything from your social media posts to your emails? Honing in on what makes you, you is your best selling point. And once you have that, keep it consistent. Consistency is vital. It helps create a memorable and trustworthy brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.

Website Design & SEO

Your website is often the first point of contact for potential clients, so make sure it reflects your brand’s values and professionalism. Is it user-friendly? Does it look polished? Is it aligned with your brand? Beyond design, don’t forget SEO—optimising your site so it ranks well on search engines. The easier you are to find online, the more opportunities you have to get noticed and convert visitors into customers.

Social Media Presence

It’s one of the most effective ways to build your reputation and connect with your community. But it’s not just about posting constantly—quality matters more than quantity. Regularly share valuable insights, celebrate achievements, and engage with your followers to grow a genuine and loyal following. The key is to pick the right platforms for your business. LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter are great places to start, but choose what works best for your industry.

Presenting Yourself With Videography

A great way to make your online presence more dynamic is to use videography. Documenting your participation in industry events, conferences, or even your social events helps your clients to fully understand what you do and what they can expect from you. High-quality videos can be shared on your website, social media platforms, and during presentations, offering a behind-the-scenes look at your brand in action. Capturing and sharing these moments humanises your business and creates lasting impressions that set you apart from the competition.


Nothing beats good old-fashioned networking. We recently attended Cambridge Tech Week and were blown away by the connections we were able to make in such a short time. Collaborations within your industry is a brilliant way to be seen and referred to and can lead to incredible, albeit unexpected, growth.

Attending industry events, conferences, or even local meetups can provide invaluable opportunities to make connections, share ideas, and learn from others. If you really want to stand out, aim to speak at these events or take part in panel discussions. It’s a great way to position yourself as a thought leader and strengthen your industry presence.

Become Award-Winning

One of the best ways to boost your visibility is by winning (or even being shortlisted for) industry awards. Awards give you the credibility and authority to stand out from your competitors. They show potential clients and partners that you’re leading in your field. With so many awards out there, it’s worth entering—you’ve got nothing to lose, and even a nomination is worth shouting about. On that note, if you’re based in North Herts or Cambridge, the STONES Awards 2025 are now open for nominations, with over 20 categories recognising local business excellence. ENTER NOW!

Gaining recognition in your industry is an investment in your business’s future. Whether it’s refining your brand, enhancing your online presence, or aiming for an award, every effort you make will pay off in building your reputation and ensuring long-term success. Get in touch today if you want to chat about how we can help you become recognised in your industry. We’d love to hear from you!